Friday, February 28, 2020

Finally switched to HTTPS!

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Switching this blog to HTTPS took a lot longer a was harder than expected due to some Blogger bugs. The Google rankings were hit hard because the blog was not served over HTTPS, this made me spend more time and look for a solution.

Blogger: Whoops, that's an error! (bX-2kvjq7)

I have tried switching this Blogger site to HTTPS multiple times, but it never worked because whenever I switched HTTPS Availability to Yes in the settings I got this error: Whoops, that's an error! (bX-2kvjq7).

The actual problem: domain validation

The solution in my case was to remove the custom domain name, add it again and complete the DNS  validation process using the CNAME and TXT entries.
To remove your domain name go to Settings -> Basic -> Publishing -> Edit and delete the domain name and save.

After that I could enable HTTPS Availability without any error.

While writing this post things broke again

While taking the above screenshots I disabled HTTPS availability, after turning it on again the blog was stuck in a permanent 301 redirect loop, leading to ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.
I do use Cloudflare on top of my Blogger blog, but this happens probably because of some Blogger bug and compatibility with Cloudflare.

I was not able to fix this redirect loop while keeping HTTPS availability to Yes, but after switching it to No I just enforced the Always Use HTTPS rule in Cloudflare and now it seems to work.

This solution might also work for other error codes such as bX-aa1bde or bX-gtb2wc.

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